photo credit: Jill Goldman
I'm Professor and Department Chair in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Massachusetts Lowell.
My book Think Like a Feminist: The Philosophy Behind the Revolution (W.W. Norton & Co., 2020, 2022) has been called "a crisp, well-informed primer on feminist theory" by Publisher's Weekly and "a winning mix of scholarship and irreverence" by Kirkus Reviews. It's been translated into French, Korean, Chinese, and German. My academic work focuses primarily on issues in analytic feminism, liberal social and political philosophy, oppression studies, Kantian ethics, and the philosophy of sex and love. My co-edited anthology The Philosophy of Love & Sex was published with Oxford University Press in October 2023. My 2019 op-ed "Who Counts as a Woman?" received the American Philosophical Association's Public Philosophy Op-Ed Prize. My 2013 book Kantianism, Liberalism, & Feminism: Resisting Oppression received the American Philosophical Association's Gregory Kavka/UCI Prize in Political Philosophy. My public philosophy has appeared in venues such as The New York Times, The Conversation, The Boston Globe, Aeon magazine, and IAI News. I'm a Director for the Mentoring Workshop for Early Career Women* in Philosophy and an elected member of the nominating committee for the Eastern Division of the American Philosophical Association. I grew up in small-town Saskatchewan, Canada and was a first-generation university student. I now split my time between Boston and San Francisco with my spouse Nico, my sweet cat Dinah, and even sweeter daughter Becca. |